Women leadership

Women leadership is a key factor in achieving economic resilience, but unequal access to resources limits women's ability to achieve leadership. Therefore, the foundation provides financial assistance to women to expand their economic opportunities and realize their potential as leaders.

The Women Leadership Program aims to develop entrepreneurship among women. Prior to the start of the project, 300 women will be selected to undergo various trainings to achieve social and financial capital. After the end of the program of a series of trainings on entrepreneurship, the project participants will provide business plans that they plan to implement.

To support women in leadership, we structure funds at the cost of achieving results, supported by an open dialogue about the resources needed. As the leadership project is launched, we try to get the most complete understanding of financial costs in order to obtain an effective result.

To provide women with financial assistance to start small or medium-sized businesses, the Open Data Foundation maintains ongoing collaboration and mentoring.

Aigerim Atantai


Все смотрят ход королевы и вот почему

Главная героиня – Бет Хармон – рано стала сиротой и выросла в приюте, но именно там проявила интерес и талант к шахматам. Ее удочерила приличная семья, правда со своими конфликтами.

В чем ошибся Дарвин?

В том, что видообразование не медленный и постепенный процесс. При благоприятных обстоятельствах новый биологический вид может возникнуть за несколько поколений, пишут журналисты The Economist.

Четвертый сезон «Короны» — история принцессы Дианы

На платформе Netflix вышел четвертый сезон британского сериала «Корона». В нем описывают жизнь королевской семьи с 1977 по 1990 год.
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